Interactive Sessions:
Four 60 minute sessions

      This program consists of four 60 minute sessions over the course of one or two months; your choice. I work around your schedule and find time to meet with you to intricately go over your diet and lifestyle so that you can feel the most confident implementing changes that will last. Before the first session, you will fill out questionnaires about your health, habits, and goals you’re hoping to achieve so that I can review them and come up with a personalized game plan.
      We will begin the first session with introductions, scheduling your remaining three appointments, and we’ll determine what the right path to a healthier version of you will be. Each person is different, and therefore your program will be specific to your needs and no one else’s! At the end of each session we will set a few goals that you’ll be able to implement into your routine in order to take your life to the next level. Each session will teach you more and more about the specific foods and lifestyle tricks you can take on to transform your life. These sessions can either be over the phone, video chat, or in person depending on your location and your preference.

      The first session must be scheduled at least 2 weeks prior. The remaining three sessions will be scheduled during your first appointment. You can choose the length of your program: 4 weeks, 6 weeks, or 8 weeks. I have designed each with different personalities and lifestyles in mind, hoping to create a program that works for everyone. There is a description below on each of the different program time frames and expectations of each.

I look forward to working with you! Please e-mail me any questions you have pertaining to this program at


The Three Different Time Frame Options

4 weeks: This program will be short and sweet, as well as a bit intensive, allowing you to fully commit to a lifestyle of changes that you want to begin implementing immediately. We will set moderate goals each week, allowing you to explore what works for you while encouraging you to begin a holistic routine. We will always go at your pace, but this program encourages you to make life-long changes in a short span of time. The amount and type of changes relies entirely on your wants and aspirations! This month-long program consists of one session per week for four weeks, and requires your motivation, determination, and commitment to a healthier you! This program includes text support with me so you can reach out if you need help with your goals between sessions. 

——> One session per week for four weeks.

This program is a good fit for people who would agree with one or more of the following:

—> You are very motivated and very ready to change.

—> You want to implement immediate change into your life.

—> You have the time to commit to something new for one month.

—> You require structure when beginning something new in order to be successful.

—> You tend to have an all-or-nothing type mentality.


6 weeks: This program time-frame has the first two sessions in weeks one and two, and then gives you a week off to really hone in on your goals and what you’re looking to achieve. This time allows you opportunities to try new recipes, start a new hobby, go out to eat, or begin an exercise routine. Spacing out your sessions gives you a chance to begin implementing these goals in a setting that will be sustainable for life. We meet again on week four for session three, where we’ll talk about your successes and your struggles and we will work together to even further you on the path toward success. We’ll take another week off then, giving you more time to try out new habits in your life, before we meet for the final time on week six, where we’ll reflect back on the changes you’ve made and continue to brainstorm ways for you to reach your goals. This program includes text support with me so you can reach out if you need help with your goals between sessions.

——> Session one during week one, session two during week two, session three during week four, and session four during week six.

This program is a good fit for people who would agree with one or more of the following:

—> You are very motivated and ready to change.

—> You want to implement steady changes into your life.

—> You have the time to commit to developing new habits.

—> You require flexibility, trial and error, or a gradual pace when beginning something new in order to be successful.

—> Your personality lies somewhere between all-or-nothing and slow-and-steady.


8 weeks: The longest of my three time frames, this two month journey has sessions every two weeks. This program is designed for those who would like ample time between sessions to implement their goals into their lives, at whatever pace they see fit. We will set as many goals as you desire, and you will have two weeks to decide what lifestyle changes work best before we meet and discuss how you can further your accomplishments. During each session we will talk about your successes and struggles and I will help to guide you further along on your personal journey to a healthier you. This program includes text support with me so you can reach out if you need help with your goals between sessions. 

——> One session per two weeks for 8 weeks.

This program is a good fit for people who would agree with one or more of the following:

—> You are motivated to change and ready to begin.

—> You want to slowly implement changes into your current lifestyle.

—> You have a busy schedule, so meeting once every two weeks makes more sense.

—> You require flexibility when beginning something new in order to be successful.

—> You tend to have an ease-into-it type mentality.